
lalalala im not sppose tu post this.but i cant help myself.sebab kalau tak post hari ni, im not gonna post it later. akan jadimalas kemudian hari.keke so TADA!!!! the title says j-pop! k-pop!boring gila duduk dekat my mom's office, so i decide to read some magz,CLEO magz. the front coever ada tulis about rain.but im not very sure.so selak punya selak.tiba2 pang! moh terkejet ada gambar super junior dalam cleo. i was like whoa!!!! this is so cool. you know, i dont even know what it kpop or jpop.till last 2 years.thanks to mereka-mereka yang introduce benda in pada saya.kamsahamnida.so let us scoop what has cleo said about kpop and jpop.jeng jeng jeng
first stop! is daniel henry :) if im not mistaken, dia lah yang berlakon dalam my father tu kan? yes, hes hot and very very cool :)and dia berlakon dalam x-men eh? oh i didnt know that sebab saya tak tengok x-men.keke
this one pulak, saya tak paham.but,the word hallyu banyak betul saya dengar dan terbaca.korean popular culture? err people, i dont understand.for someone who deeply into korea, please explain this to me.
this is the 3rd one.instant noodles!!! bukan di korea saja.infact in japan! i think japan dulu baru korea kan? whatever, tapi dulu pernah tengok kat discovery channel bout the history of instant noodles,RAMEN. omo 0___o after tengok je discovery, i went to tesco beli ramen satu bungkus and makan time supper :) sedap! better then maggi mee :)
i know manglis.and i just knew about singlish (singapore english) but konglish? HAHAHA! betul jugak kan?? tak perasan betul.tapi japan pun macam tu jugak.i've read japan dictionary, christmas, diorang pronounce ku-ris-ma-su. same as hand-uh-phone la kan? ^0^ how cute :) macam jay cakap kt youtube dia in english dia cakap twitter.like a silent T, but in korean he said. twitttterrrr .. T dia and R dia tebal .kekeke
next stop is utada hikaru.she's japan singer kan? saya tak kenal dia sangat, but the flavor of life is her song. kan?? :) lagu tu sedap sebab lagu tu adalah OST hana yuri dango . :D
ni lagi sorang. i dont know her.i dont know her songs.but she's famous.thats it. sebab saya tak kenal dia, itu sahaja yang saya boleh katakan :)kawaii ne~~~~ thats what japanese girl always said.tak kira la anime ke, drama ke, movie ke. the way they said sangat2 comel kan? evrything bagi diorang kawaii.itu kawaii,ini kawaii.the only thing that is kawaii for for me is my piano.hehe
*drum rolls* ha! i am saving the best for last :D you know who he is. he is super duper hot. his eyer is super duper kawaii.his body is super duper smexy.nama saya rain :) and i love his love story.
ada banyak lagi, i cant take a picture of all the article,so you have to buy your own cleo magz *promote ni :)* and see for yourself :) may 2010 punya tau! *wink*


  1. syg , hallyu itu Korean Wave . mcm lam mags tu ckp la . mcm virus korea telah melanda kat mlysia nie . mkin rmai minat korea . cmtu la lbeyh kurang . nk tepat lg tny kinah :)

  2. oh right. bila baca balik, sudah phm. :)
