
i am 1 day late to post this but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! wahai ain fadhila :D sudah tua la kamu ini. keke . have a nice day. belajar rajin-rajin. and prove to others that we can do it too tau! <3>



frustrated :'(
i dont care if people care to read this or not. so.. okay here i go .

saya sangat lah kecewa,tidak tahu kecewa pada siapa.mungkin pada diri sendiri,mungkin terhadap kaum sendiri, atau mungkin pada sesetengah orang yang memandang rendah terhadap... gosh , feel like crying right now :'( i already am.
yes people,yes! im going to IPTS,private school , segi university to be exact.is there a problem? huh?! astaghfirullah,anis bawak bersabar ;(
i mean sometimes people tend to say that ipts is for left over kidswho cant get through ipta.*menda aku ckp ni* maksudnya senanng saja.take me as a very simple example.

im not doing that good in spm,i admit it.but im not that suck in studies.unfortunately,UPU tidak diterima.oleh itu, mau tak mau, i have to find private college to further my studies.so yeah,im a segi student.once again, do you have a problem with that?!me going to private college??

there's specific reason why i am so sad/frustrated/angry with no-one right now.here's example of the true conversation.

A: kakak kau belajar dekat mana?
B: kat segi.
A: yeke? bukan dia pandai ke?

PANG!! hello B!! what do you mean,orang2 yang pergi ipta tu adalah org2 pandai dan orng macam saya niorang yang bodoh??even A asked me, segi tu skula budak bodoh ke? i was like wtfh?????! tgk la pikiran orang kita . astaghfirullah,aku sedih gila ni ='( here's another conversation :

X: masuk sekolah mana?
Y:dekat2 sini je, dekat segi,senang ulang alik.

X:oo yeke, ingatkan pergi university mana2

Ya allah, aku tau aku tak segenius mereka2 yang akan ke russia,australia,and egypt tu but people,people love to judge even the person is our relative :'(
my mom said, orang macam tulah.asal tak masuk ipta je,dia ingat kita bodoh.you have to show them,prove them wrong.
thanks mummy,im soory i let you down before.tapi ibu still bagi semangat.ibu cakap lagi, no matter where you study its still the same.thank you :')

well so you know why i said,wah bestnya korunk pergi ipta/matrix.hanya Tuhan saja tahu perasan saya sekarang
and untuk sedapkan hati,i told to myself,babe dont worry.at least u belajar dekat ipts,u tak hipokrit.u guys know whta it means.thats all.



lalalala im not sppose tu post this.but i cant help myself.sebab kalau tak post hari ni, im not gonna post it later. akan jadimalas kemudian hari.keke so TADA!!!! the title says j-pop! k-pop!boring gila duduk dekat my mom's office, so i decide to read some magz,CLEO magz. the front coever ada tulis about rain.but im not very sure.so selak punya selak.tiba2 pang! moh terkejet ada gambar super junior dalam cleo. i was like whoa!!!! this is so cool. you know, i dont even know what it kpop or jpop.till last 2 years.thanks to mereka-mereka yang introduce benda in pada saya.kamsahamnida.so let us scoop what has cleo said about kpop and jpop.jeng jeng jeng
first stop! is daniel henry :) if im not mistaken, dia lah yang berlakon dalam my father tu kan? yes, hes hot and very very cool :)and dia berlakon dalam x-men eh? oh i didnt know that sebab saya tak tengok x-men.keke
this one pulak, saya tak paham.but,the word hallyu banyak betul saya dengar dan terbaca.korean popular culture? err people, i dont understand.for someone who deeply into korea, please explain this to me.
this is the 3rd one.instant noodles!!! bukan di korea saja.infact in japan! i think japan dulu baru korea kan? whatever, tapi dulu pernah tengok kat discovery channel bout the history of instant noodles,RAMEN. omo 0___o after tengok je discovery, i went to tesco beli ramen satu bungkus and makan time supper :) sedap! better then maggi mee :)
i know manglis.and i just knew about singlish (singapore english) but konglish? HAHAHA! betul jugak kan?? tak perasan betul.tapi japan pun macam tu jugak.i've read japan dictionary, christmas, diorang pronounce ku-ris-ma-su. same as hand-uh-phone la kan? ^0^ how cute :) macam jay cakap kt youtube dia in english dia cakap twitter.like a silent T, but in korean he said. twitttterrrr .. T dia and R dia tebal .kekeke
next stop is utada hikaru.she's japan singer kan? saya tak kenal dia sangat, but the flavor of life is her song. kan?? :) lagu tu sedap sebab lagu tu adalah OST hana yuri dango . :D
ni lagi sorang. i dont know her.i dont know her songs.but she's famous.thats it. sebab saya tak kenal dia, itu sahaja yang saya boleh katakan :)kawaii ne~~~~ thats what japanese girl always said.tak kira la anime ke, drama ke, movie ke. the way they said sangat2 comel kan? evrything bagi diorang kawaii.itu kawaii,ini kawaii.the only thing that is kawaii for for me is my piano.hehe
*drum rolls* ha! i am saving the best for last :D you know who he is. he is super duper hot. his eyer is super duper kawaii.his body is super duper smexy.nama saya rain :) and i love his love story.
ada banyak lagi, i cant take a picture of all the article,so you have to buy your own cleo magz *promote ni :)* and see for yourself :) may 2010 punya tau! *wink*



just a quick update. got my first assignment! yeay! ok.thats all.LOL!hahaha i want to write more.about everything.about how i feel,what do i think.my thought.random thought.but not today.later.so please please remind me.if i didnt post about it kay.thanks :)



if im not mistaken, sheera ada tag anis. sheera betul ke? hahah im going to do it btw.

Rules : It's harder than it looks ! Copy to your own blog , erase my answers , enter yours , and tag five people including the person who tagged you . Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions . They have to be real . nothing made up ! IF the person before you had the same first initial , you must use different answers . You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question .
1..2...3...go !!!!

What is your name: ANIS :) .

A four letter word: A N T S .

A boy's name: ARIF .

A girl's name: AZUREEN

An occupation: AIR ASIA STEWERDESS :)

Something you'll wear: A SHIRT ?

A type of food: ALASKAN KING CRAB *ha amek kau*

Something found in the bathroom: aspirin :)


A reason for being late: A HUMAN TRAFFIC. HAHA

Something u'd shout: "AAHH!! **** IT! I HATE YOU!"

Something you drink: A.B.C


An animal: APE

A type of car: ARMADA ASTON MARTIN :)

A type of fruit: APPLE .

and i'm passing this to :
sheera,fatin,dyana,camey,and whoever :)


yesterday :) full day kut semalam . 9to5 class. feel like an adult aready =.=" so yesterday ada GLT, accounting and economics. GLT my group were talking about facebook. haha!! macam biasa ,cakap bout how bad facebook is! thanks to mimi , saya jumpa lagi satu point bout the disadvantage :) then accounting *grrr ,, im confused, have to study more!* then economics.we have to act.ACT! anything that related to economy.luckhily, belum sempat kita orang nak buat, the class ended :D had lunch with azreena , mirsaid, and mizie. u know, saya dah fed up nak be freindly with that guy =.=" suka hati la ye~ if you need help, datang la pada saya :) macam dia tau cakap BM je. keke so thats all. *note* all the pics are taken during econs class, AGAIN :)


my second day and third day in SEGi. seriously malas nak type. idk why, so enjoy the boring picture taken by me, lame photoghrapher.hoho

*note* semua gambar is taken from econs class. the class is so damn boring . so tengok la bakal2 graduate ni buat dalam kelas* ehem2, the lecturer hasnt strat teaching yet, so we are not playing around.okay?*thats all from now :) gambar hari ni belum masuk kan lagi.



my first day in college. for real!!! so finally anis akan belajar semula, for like 4 and a half months already. first day of school, hurrm nothing much. orientation, bla bla bla. then, i've met a few new friends :) oh before that, hye my name is anis and i am foundation in commerse student in SEGi university :)
from left, azreena,nasuha and nina . yes! coincidentally time orientation, kita orang duduk sama2, me azreena and nasuha course yang sama.but nina is diploma in marketing.i guess.correct me if im wrong nina! well diorang ni nice :) i love it. after cerita2. where are we come from bla3.then azreena said she's from rahman putra. so i was like , oh, u kenal fatin nur hafizah x? then, she's excited.! LOL! hoho what a small world kan fatin ;)

sepatutnya, it ends at 5 PM, tapi balik awal, im not driving first day, so i have to wait for my father.meanwhile, nasuha bawak the 2 of us pergi hostel on campus. see? bilik dia ada swimming pool view :) wonder who's handelling pool party .hoh. anis sengal.

so, not much of gambar la.. thats all. hahaha first day boring~


shit la this thing!!! i wrote like essay tapi yang kelar HTML.grrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there goes my birthday post!



so dah cerita bout 13 may, here goes 14 may.hmm my birthday!! omo ! i cant believe that i am already legal.like seriously! anis, u have to stop saying like seriously, seriously =.=" okay2. so thank you to all who wished me.dekat YM,twitter,blog,through text message.thank you so much >


been super very busy lately, *kononyya lah* .with college and stuff kan *LOL!tak buat apa pun* HAHA! so just a brief talk *talk?* and photo !!!! sebab~~~ maybe im going to post banyak sangat hari ni.one shot.kenapa nampak pelik ni? what's wrong with my writing????
kay2 so 13 may 2010, went out ,had a lunch date with sheera and mimi. xjumpa diorang like AGES! gosh! =.=" thanks u guys :')



so i am off to college this may 17 th :) SEGi college here i come. since im going to the college, rasa macam dah tak peduli dah dengan rayuan for IPTA. SEGi is better :D don't you think ? *wink*



i dont know how to start this. im suppose to update about my kelly clarkson experience and how April did a very well done job to me. April makes me alive :) BUT not May.May buat kan saya berfikir and termenung 24/7. well, not exactly.okay, so i'm giving out the list that keep bothering me lately.

#1 i wan meatball ikea!frozen yogurt from j.co ,my mom's yee mee and chicken cordon blue *betul ke spelling* form secret recipe. and yes yes, semua ni dah selalu makan but who cares. and nak makan di mache again. da 2 tahun xmakan di sana :'(

#2 err im thinking about food more than im thinking of my studies?thats weird :\ ok macam mana nak start? err okay, UPU tak dapat.obviously! so, UPU tak dapat, i applied again. sedih yang tak terhingga. i can see my parents frustrated face when i told them about this :'( so apply for the second time ni, anis ambil :
asasi inggeris-UIA
diploma TESL-UDM
since asasi TESL and mass comm in UITM sudah tutup *interview* . so hampa tu jangan cakap la eh. :'( TAPI, if couldnt get through jugak, im going to segi or USCI. taking my dream course :)

#3 okay this one pulak bukan about ketidakpuashatian , okay, maybe it is. im just dont understand why orang yang dapat matrix, jugak dapat UPU . and ada yang tak dapat langsung. yang dua2 tak dapat tu jangan cerita la. no offence to readers. this is what i think. and saya sungguh sedih bila tengok orang in dilemma, but me???? i have nothing to do! i mean should i be in dilemma sebab tak dapat UPU? or tak apply matrix ( mrmang tak nak pun). no reason kan????????? okay tengah marah ni. next!

#4 i need money. nak bayar handphone. buy things for mothers day. last month, i'd about RM250 and above. and semua habis :( shopping tak ingat.dekat concert beli macam2 now im broke.thanks alot anis.

#5 problem with my BFF AGAIN. i really dont know how to put this. but im going to rewrite (????) the conversation that we had 30 minutes earlier. actually, nak bagi tu benda ni pada someone. tapi :'(
note- mata masih bengkak.

Me (AK) -stands for anis khunnie <3
Him (HH) - tak nak elaborate

AK: Hey :
HH: Allaikumsalamwarahmatullahhiwabarakatuh :-h
AK: Asslamualaikum. : kau marah aku ke? :
HH: asal tanya mcm2? :-
AK: Hmm..
HH: 2 je? :-
AK: aku yang tanya.kau marah aku ke?
HH: but, before that, kenapa kau tny soalan macm tu?
AK: kay, thanks for answering.tu je yang aku nak tau
HH: mana jawapan aku?
AK: tadi tu.dah.tu je aku nak tau. *******, aku tanya je kan.tapi apa yang aku dapatsoalan dari kau balik.im just asking but your answer is questioning me back.so takpela.aku nak tau je
HH: tak salah kan kalau kau jawab soalan tu dulu
AK: im tring to be mature here.just keep the question to yourself.im done
HH: yela. ko da dewasa sgt.aku ckp x guna. apa aku cakap sume tipu bohong belaka.terpulang la.kalo kwn2 ko 2 le dorg ko.fine.aku redha.
AK: *****, aku takde mood sekarang ni .aku just nak tau kenapa je.salah aku ke? salah ke aku sampai dah lama tak bertegur?
HH: terpulang la.ikut kn la mood ko 2.aku xde mood pun.xpernah sekali pun aku tolak ko ketepi.xpernah wpun sekali aku layan kau macam *****.aku ttp layan ko sepenuh hati.sbb ko kwn baik aku.kalo btol la ko kwn baik aku selamaya, ko xkn kata kan bnda mcm tu kt aku mlm tu.aku manusia.luar aku gelak.dlm apa kau tau.retak seribu hati aku.& ko mcm biasa dgn tanpa rasa bersalah wt mcm xd pape berlaku.fine.aku redha.
AK: aku xtau apa yang kau ckp ni,tp kalau ko ckp pasal aku gtau yg jgn sibuk hal kwn aku kt FB tu aku phm.i'd use a very harsh word to my own bestfriend.but dont u worry.aku xpeduli semua tu da.im not gonna social networking anymore.
HH: sape aku nak halang kau. nak halang social life ko.aku xde hak nye. terpulag kt kau.hidup ko.ko nak kwn ngn sape pun,rapat ngn sape pun,ko suka sape pun,aku xde hak nak masuk campur.
AK: skrg aku nak bgtau pun salah ke?aku tny tadi pun tak xberjawab.sampai kelain pulak.cmnilah aku mintak maaf sebab selama ni aku mmg selalu menyusahkan n menyakitkan hati kau.aku mintak maaf atas kesilapan aku sejak aku kenal kau.n thanks for evrything that u have done.thats all.kau akn berjaya dlm hidup nnt.insyaallah.kay,so long.
HH: aku xpernah anggap ko beban dlm hidup aku.just terkilan.memang benda ni akn berlarutan.mcm aku da kata, dah jumpa baru lama di biar.baru aku tau apa camey and dyana rasa bila ko jumpa elida.
AK: ha?elida?camey n dyana are my bff too.aku jumpa elida salah ke?dulu aku ada ajak dyana and camey.tp apa dorg ckp,dia bkn jenis yg kuar2, and camey pulak ada alasan.ada aku terkilan?and dulu camey ada ajak kuar,tp ada dia sebut nama aku?aku gtau baru dia ingt.and now aku kuar ngn elida yang xnyk songeh ni bersalah?u dunno how i feel right now.
HH: ubah la nis. ubah la.aku xmara kau.xbenci kau.just aku mmg terkilan ngn kata2 kau.aku nk kau tny sume kwn2 ko.semua.
AK: ****, aku mintak maaf,tu je yg mampu aku cakap.
HH: aku da tau perangai ko cmne.aku da msk ngn perangai ko.last aku tny, apa erti kawan baik?
AK: kawan baik : no matter how the realtionship goes,they will remain together at the end of the journey
HH: tolong jgn buat wn baik ko mcm tunggul.bila perlu,guna.bila xperlu,kau wat dek.by mean ALL kawan baik lama kau.masih kenal ke siapa?
AK: ****, teruk sgt ke aku ni?siapa kwn baik aku yg mengadu kt kau tu?teruk sgt ke aku?smpai kau ckp cmtu?
HH: ko boleh x jgn melenting kalo aku cakap?xd pun yg ngadu.aku xnk bnd yg jd kt aku,jdi kt yg lain.
AK: again,i was just asking u a simple questionand this is what i get.
HH: nis, aku tgh sabar ni.tolong jgn melenting.aku ckp utk perigtn kau shj.
AK: aku mintak maaf
HH: selain tu apa lagi ko nk kata?
AK: mintak maaf.

and he sleeps.okay, i cried soo hard. mata bengkak, hidung sumbat :'( i mean, teruk sangat ke this little girl?im the person who doesnt appreiciate friendship? i texted you because i want to get back with you.and this is what i get.BROKEN HEARTED. thank you so much my friend.
to all who read this (ALL) thank you so much. but what should i do ? :"(

ps. sorry this new update is a bit long and emo.i cant help myself.i just need someone to rely on :'( thats all.i've lost my BFF :'(



i am sooooo scared right now. ya allah,bantulah hamba mu ini,i just hit someone's car..hit,is that a right word to say... tapi dah tentulah,the image above is not my car. im not worried bout my car.im worried bout her car.what if someone's saw the inccident? what if she knew and my mom would be soooooo angry with me? what if.. ???? argghhhh... sumpah cuak sangat ni. i know,that someone tengok saya langgar tadi..ow my.



hello people!!!!
annyeong ^^ so i reopen my blog..for the third time.hehe but this time i have a very good reason. *pebenda aku merepek ni?*okay,so back to the point.. here are the reason why i decide to be a blogger ,AGAIN.
reason #1 - i didnt know how to use tumblr : diorang cakap best.but still. saya buta IT.HAHA
reason #2 - 3 of my friends are now a blogger too :) follow ye :D
reason #3 - i really need to express myself,through this thing.
reason #4 - i love blogging.

simple reason kn ?? :)




to readers (poyo je) :
i don't know why but i don't like blogging anymore (kali kedua!).So apa-apa pun,you can find me on facebook.(i'm addicted ) or twitter ( masih xtau gunakan twitter). but its okay
oleh itu,dengan rasminya,saya akan menutup blog ini dalam masa seminggu.bagitau notice awal2 :)




i am so sorry sebab its been a while now.betul tak? i have a tons of story to tell but maybe not today.bout my holiday,bout me babysitting,bout..macam-macam lah! but yea2 not today.today i would like to talk about :'( oh anis please don;t cry.please !! i lost my best friend.my bestest friend on earth.he understans me more than anyone.even my boyfriend can't understand me like he did.dont get me wrong.i love him but i want my best friend to be here with me forever.Haziq oh haziq,i don't know how to say sorry.dah terlepas cakap,so i can't take back my words huh? the moment i say goodbye and LEAVE ME ALONE,i realized that i just lost a very very special friend of mine yang dah bersama for more than five years now .oh my T___T .i cry while i'm driving.i'm so so so sorry.i don't know whether i read this or not,you are everything to me.you listen to me.bila2 ada problem,there you are.bila2 ada secret to share,poof! there you are again.i mean kita da kawan lama,best friend forever.again i am so sorry.i still need you.you are my punching bag,you are my umbrella,you are my everything.i'm so sorry.but i don't know how to tell you face to face.i dont want to lse you my dear friend.




even if i die,i can't let you go


to you my sayang...
i love you damn much tau tak??
geram betul.i love you sayang..
i always do.i harap u baca ni.
ow and u look hot in pink :)
sayang u.



my dream since i was 7..

untuk menjadi doktor veterinar :)

universiti yang sesuai: UPM ( program asasi sains pertanian)

my mom's dream when i was 7 (sampai sekarang)
for me to be on tv! i mean jadi tv host,news reporter,journalist stuff..no entertaiment punya...yang maca discovery,or trave and living or nat geo :)

universiti:uitm :)broadcast journalism perhaps?


ok,so this is my problem.xyah la gtau problem dia.here's a question? who can sing? sesiapa dikalangan anda is a good singer? please3.i was bored so i decided to play unfaithful by rihanna with piano.the only thing is,i can't sing! i mean nak maen lau tu and sing at the same time susah gila,the only song that i can play and sing at the same time is thousand miles.ONLY.ow and hey there delilah.haha..anyway,kepada sesiapa yang boleh menyanyi,call me,leave a comment or whatver so that i can reach for you.boleh lah bekerjasama :) please and thank you.

thegirLnextdooris searchingforherperfectpartnerforsong